Welcome to my portfolio website!

Hey folks, I'm
Zebs Haupur Microsoft-LSA Java Dev

Crafting innovative solutions in Java development and advocating for cutting-edge Microsoft technologies as a Student Ambassador fuels my passion.

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Things I designed for Entreprise and my club

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Mini Coin project with bootstrap
Enter the amount of your choice (CFA):

This project is directed and governed by Eng. Tanwi ICTU for mini school projects




I led NGcodex to new heights, with a focus on innovation, leadership and inclusion, while maintaining a culture focused on academic excellence and personal development.


Java DeveloperMaisonBiocmr.com

As a Java developer at MaisonBiocmr.com, I contributed to the design, development and maintenance of robust and scalable applications, with a focus on code quality and customer satisfaction.


Wordpress devAfricul.com

As a WordPress Developer at Africul.com, I played an integral role in creating and maintaining a dynamic and user-friendly website, implementing custom solutions to meet the specific needs of our platform.


Student AmbassadorMicrosoft

As a Student Ambassador at Microsoft, I had the privilege of representing a prestigious brand and interacting with the student community, sharing my passion for technology and promoting Microsoft initiatives and products.


Java devimmigrationciltes.org

As a Java developer at immigrationciltes.org, I contributed to the design and development of a robust and secure web platform, providing essential services for immigrants and citizens seeking information on immigration policies .


Junior DesignerCrafted Co.

As a junior designer at Crafted Co., I had the opportunity to bring my creativity and design skills to contribute to the design of innovative and aesthetically pleasing products, while learning and growing within a passionate team.



Major: SENICT-University

My major in SEN ICT at the University was an enriching experience where I explored in depth electronic and digital information and communication systems,


Major: SENICT-University

Through my SENICT program at university, I gained a solid theoretical and practical foundation in key areas such as digital communication,


Dev concepUniversité Saint Jean

first university

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